Sunday, February 14, 2010

Well hello everyone! It's about time I get this blog rolling, huh?
Today is the Chinese New Year so I figured today was as good as any to actually write an introduction since, as you might know, it's the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. And that's my year. I intend to make this the best year I've ever had.

Artwork is a very important part of me. It really makes me who I am. Now, I don't think my work is terrible, but there is so much room for improvement. With this blog I intend to track my practice and we'll see how it improves my finished work!

I also hope I will find some fellow artists or even any followers with this blog. I'd like to know what people want to see. Or if you're an artist, what your methods are. How do you practice? I'm curious and open minded and I'm willing to try new things! :]

My primary art page is my deviantART page where I am the Converse Wearing Jedi At this blog, though, you will find things that I do not intend to post on dA. Sketches, studies, doodles, ect. That's the kind of stuff you'll find here! And if you think I'm interesting enough and you have a livejournal account you can visit my livejournal which is my personal journal. It's friends only, so leave a comment if you want to see ^^.

I want to say a quick thank you to Motion City Soundtrack for supplying the lyrics which inspired the url. Haha.

That's it for now. I will post something tomorrow too. This was just introductory.
Have a good evening!


Plan On Seeing These Things Here:
  • studies
  • sketches
  • WIPs
  • rough comics
  • practice drawings
  • ect.


  1. Gasp! Comment virginity?! Hahahaha

    I don't have the means to follow you, and I'll probably be very inconstructive in my comments, but I'll try to keep up, mmkay? <3
