Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day of Pink

Day of Pink!

Goal:The goal of is to bring this message across the world, through an international day of action that anyone can take part in. We encourage groups to not only wear pink in support of Diversity, but to also hold events and activities that will engage their community.

What to do: Wear Pink! In any way shape and form! The more the better! Have fun with this! Spread Love for the diversity of human expression!

When: NEW DATE: April 14, 2010!

History:DayofPink is a day of action, born when a youth in a high school in Cambridge, Nova Scotia was bullied because he wore a pink shirt to school. His fellow students decided to stand up to bullying; and hundreds of students came to school wearing pink to show support for diversity and stopping discrimination, bullying and homophobia.

Why Participate? Across the world discrimination continues to be the leading source of conflict. Discrimination is racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-semitism... and many others. These social diseases affect how we work, study and treat one another; and they create barriers, bullying, harassment, hate and violence. DayofPink is more than just a symbol of a shared belief in celebrating diversity - it's also a commitment to being open minded, to being understanding of differences and to learning to respect each other.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

venture out the dark dreamer must

First sketch in the new place on my new tablet!
Rough sketch of one of my new chars, Milo (Mee-low). He's 14, has caramel skin, brown hair, and blue eyes (think Warrick Brown from CSI: Las Vegas). He's a terrible ladies man. Milo loves to run. And his badassness includes creating and manipulating dreams, and being able to see dreams if he's in the vicinity of a sleeping person/persons. The end.

Aside from that, I want to thank everyone for your patience! I should be updating more regularily now. At LEAST once a week, if not more! :] Feel free to leave questions/comments! :]]
